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A website about programming, technology, and life.


Signing Git Commits

by Aaron Crowder on in tutorials

Have you ever noticed the “verified” badge next to a commit on GitHub? A few years ago I did an wondered how I could get that on my own commits. After a little googling I realized it was because those commits were signed. Signing a commit with a GPG key is something natively supported by Git as it turns out. Now this is one of the first things I set up on a new dev machine.


Using Husky to Build Hugo Site

by Aaron Crowder on in Site Updates

I’ve been making some efforts to streamline the publishing process for this site. I’ve read about tools like Netlify and Lektor, but I wanted to keep things as close to a basic Hugo site as possible. To that end, I wanted to use git hooks to run hugo whenever I ran git commit. That way to publish a new post I simply had to write it in markdown, save, commit and push.


Anatomy of a Commit Message

by Aaron Crowder on in Programming

1. Subject Line The Subject Line is the first line of your commit message. Often the subject alone is enough, but if it’s not and you need a body be sure to separate the subject and body with a blank line. First line of a commit message Often the only part you’ll need Separated from the body by a blank line Soft limit of 50 characters, hard limit of 69 Github’s interface truncates the subject line at 69 characters Capitalize!