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A website about programming, technology, and life.

Simple.css: Classless Styles

by Aaron Crowder on in Site Updates

In my last post I mentioned that I wanted to keep this site simple. That I wanted to build on a solid foundation. I didn’t want to muck with that foundation to make my site look “pretty”.

I shared the un-styled version of this site on my socials when @Duffy mentioned Simple.css. I fell in love with the idea of it right away. A classless css framework that applies styling to semantic markup? What’s not to love??

Simple.css was made by Kev Quirk. He made it as a lightweight alternative to other “everything but the kitchen sink” CSS frameworks. Simple.css weighs in at a mere ~4kb. It makes your site look decent right off the bat, and because it’s just based on semantic markup you can quickly start to customize it to suit your needs.

For this site I wrote a simple stylesheet that is currently 27 lines long. In fact, it’s so small that I’ll share it here:

:root {
  --accent: #2EC838;

a {
	text-decoration: none;

article a h3 {
	margin: 0;

article.h-entry {
	margin: 1rem auto;

.elsewhere-icon {
	fill: var(--accent);

nav.paginator {
	text-align: center;

nav.tags {
	margin: 0.5rem 0 0 0;

The :root bit is the only part you’ll need to modify the accent color. The rest, for me, is just minor tweaks that I felt would make the site look better. Or, in the case of the .elsewhere-icon class, to make my social links match the accent color (they are SVGs).

And that’s it. Literally.

I know that when I add my /micro section with all the different post types and webmentions that the stylesheet will grow. However, with this solid foundation it’ll be able to grow in a way that makes sense, free of any “hacks”.