Build a Torrent Machine and Network Share
by Aaron Crowder on in Raspberry Pi
When I first got a Raspberry Pi the first thing I wanted to build was a home server. I wanted to have a central place at home to store files. I also thought it would be nice to have a torrent machine to handle downloading whatever I wanted. This past weekend I was finally able to get around to building it with a Raspberry Pi 2.
I chose to use Diet Pi as my OS. Diet Pi is an OS that comes with only the bare essentials installed. On first boot it gives you a list of preconfigured software to install. This was perfect for me because I could install Samba for my file server and transmission for torrents. It made setting up what I wanted really easy.
The process actually was really simple. So this blog post won’t need to go into heavy technical detail. Instead, I just want to walk through the simple process of steps, with a couple of images, to document it for myself. Hopefully others benefit from this as well!
First I downloaded the Diet Pi image (based on Debian Jesse) and unziped it.
Then I made sure my SD card was clean and ready to flash. I like to use the
Windows CLI tool diskpart
. You can see pretty simply the steps I took from the
image below:
Once my SD Card was clean, I formatted it:
It doesn’t matter what format you use because you’re going to reformat it when you write the image to the SD card (I use Win32DiskImager):
- Install DietPi
- Install relevant software thought dietpi installer
- Configure softwares